5 Tips for Newborn Cloth Nappies | Kate @newclothmama
If you're expecting a baby and considering cloth nappies, read on!
It might seem complex, but we promise it's actually just laundry - and you'll be doing plenty of that with a newborn anyway.

Here are 5 top tips for using cloth with a newborn.
1) Just get started
It's easy to be overwhelmed by all the well-meant but conflicting advice out there and procrastinate trying your first cloth nappy. Cut out the noise, choose one reliable source of information such as Peanut and Poppet, pick up a nappy from your collection and pop it on baby. The best way to get to grips with cloth and really understand it is to try it out for yourself.
2) Try a variety
Rather than stocking up on just one brand ahead of baby's arrival, hire a kit or buy a few different types (all in ones, all in twos, pockets, flats, whatever takes your fancy) to experiment with. There's nothing worse than having twenty nappies in the same style only to find that they're not a great fit for your little one! If you're buying rather than hiring, invest in a small number and build up your stash once you've found out what works best. It's worth knowing that most 'birth to potty' (BTP) nappies actually don't fit a lot of babies until around 10lb, so it's a good idea to get your hands on some specific newborn nappies for this stage. Some BTPs are a smaller fit, for example Crakadacks and Designer Bums, so you'll be able to use those relatively quickly.
3) Trust your instincts
Just because something has worked for your friend or is mentioned as the best option doesn't necessarily mean it's right for you. A lot of people love using muslins with a wrap (nappy cover) for the newborn stage, but I knew I didn't want to be mastering folds while learning to care for my first baby. Do what appeals to you and what will fit your lifestyle. For us, that was a mix of all in twos and pockets.
4) It doesn't have to be all or nothing
It's easy to feel like if you don't use cloth all the time, you're letting the planet down. Remember that even if you're using one cloth nappy a day, you're still saving 365 disposables from landfill every year, so don't be hard on yourself. Maybe you want to ease yourself in with reusable wipes first, or just cloth during the day or when you're at home. If it gets overwhelming, it's fine to step back to the disposables until you're ready to try again. There are no medals to be won here, so take the pressure off yourself!
5) It's just laundry
Comments from friends such as 'wow you're brave' can make using cloth seem like a complicated, time consuming thing you have to be incredibly courageous to attempt. It's actually just a bit more laundry! This is particularly the case for the newborn stage as all pre-weaning poop can go straight in the washing machine with no need to rinse first. Find a simple washing routine that works for you and skip the daily prewash - it's not necessary and is only going to bump up your electricity bill.
If in doubt, reach out - the cloth community is full of friendly folk who will be more than happy to check your nappy fit or suggest ways to avoid leaks if you get them. Hopefully this has helped to make you feel more confident about using reusable nappies with your new baby.
Join the Peanut and Poppet community Facebook group for chat, advice and support from other cloth users.
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